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2021 Victorian Cuboree Circle Badge Set

Updated: Nov 5, 2021

The Full List of the circle Badges as part of the full badge set from the 10th Victorian Cuboree at Gilwell Park.

By Josh Welch – First Edition

The List of Badges


Badge Type: Logo

Badge Name: Cuboree X New Horizons Badge


Badge Type: Activity

Badge Name: Odyssey


Badge Type: Activity

Badge Name: Space Force


Badge Type: Activity

Badge Name: Scouts & Beyond


Badge Type: Activity

Badge Name: Cherry Lane


Badge Type: Activity

Badge Name: No Going Back


Badge Type: Activity

Badge Name: xSenses


Badge Type: Sub-Camp

Badge Name: Perseverance


Badge Type: Sub-Camp

Badge Name: Ocean Adventures


Badge Type: Sub-Camp

Badge Name: Enchanted Forests


Badge Type: Sub-Camp

Badge Name: Shooting for the stars


This list only includes badges in the cir Badge set and not others that came from the cuboree.

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